Manuel Moreno Minuto

Captan Manuel Moreno Minuto

Italian Navy General Staff- Submarine Department, Underwater Technologies Expert

Cybersecurity Italia


Captain Manuel Moreno Minuto is a submariner and currently member of  the Italian Navy General Staff Submarine Branch. During his career, he has served as Submarine Commanding Officer, Submarine Executive Officer, Minehunter Commanding Officer, Head of the Submarines School and Submarine Command Course.

His experiences include also a duty cycle as Submarine Controller in the Nato Submarine Operation Centre and three years as Battle Watch Officer of the Maritime Operation Center in Rome. His passions are Naval Technology, Naval History, and International Affairs. Since 2006 he has collaborated with major military journals (Storia Militare, Tecnologia & Difesa, Rivista Italiana Difesa, Rivista Marittima) and geopolitical magazines such as “Limes” and “Il Nodo di Gordio”.

He is a member of think-tank Eurodefense Italia, CESMAR and OSS Med LUMSA.